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How To Avoid Brining Bed Bugs Into Your Home


Bed bugs are becoming a big national problem and over the past ten years, calls to exterminate these insects have jumped over 81%. These bugs won’t make you sick or give you disease, but they are disgusting and could irritate you quickly if not taken care of. This article presents some things you need to avoid so you don’t bring bed bugs back to your home. The bed bug can be resilient so you need to be careful.

The first major location these tend to appear is in hotels. Before you stay in any location you may want to check around the entire room and especially under the sheets. If you do find them in the room there is a very good change that the rooms up, down and to the sides of the one your one in are infested as well. Your best option would be to go to a different hotel or go to a room far away from where you currently are.

The second major location is Craigslist. No not on the actual site, but buying certain items such as old antiques, used furniture, bed sheets, bed room items can all be infested. Your best option would be to buy these options new in a store and just avoid the potential chance of them infesting your house.

The third major place they show up is dressing rooms in popular clothing stores. They usually get on to clothes when people try them on and the potential for them to show up is worse when you throw items on the floor rather than hanging them up. When you do buy clothes you may consider washing your clothes before wearing them as the bugs have a hard time living in hot temperatures.

These aren’t the only spots bed bugs hide only the most prevalent. Other common locations include many beds, carpets, upholstered furniture, old sofas, dressers, and even in the walls. Most of the time when they are in these places your better off just throwing the items out rather than trying to get rid of the bugs.